2nd February 2020 | Manly, NSW, Australia

Cole Classic Ocean Swim (2020)

Danielle ROSS (#2699)
GUN TIME:  00:24:56
846  OF 1409
392  OF 668
198  OF 300

Danielle ROSS's Past Cole Classic Ocean Swim Results

Race | Event Bib Pos Div Gen Time
Cole Classic (2017) | 1km #703 1309 275 590 00:22:02
Cole Classic Ocean Swim (2020) | 1km #2699 846 198 392 00:24:56
Cole Classic Ocean Swim (2023) | 1km #1415 1218 50 536 00:21:23
Cole Classic Ocean Swim (2024) | 1km #1681 1183 58 572 00:21:24
Cole Classic Ocean Swim (2025) | 1km #1866 1075 63 515 00:20:02