13th October 2013 | Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Melbourne Marathon (2013)

Leanne KERR (#40772)
GUN TIME:  00:58:50
3674  OF 8161
1507  OF 4817
114  OF 448

Run 00:58:49 10.0km

Location Split Race Time Pos Female 45-49 Speed/Pace TOD
10k 00:58:49 00:58:49 3675 1510 119 10.19 / 05:52 04:08:41

Leanne KERR's Past Melbourne Marathon Results

Race | Event Bib Pos Div Gen Time
St George Melbourne Marathon (2010) | Asics 5.7km Run #26342 1900 993 993 00:42:42
Melbourne Marathon (2011) | The Coffee Club 10k #23348 3528 312 1826 01:03:41
Melbourne Marathon (2012) | The Coffee Club 10k #27716 6211 731 3551 01:12:05
Melbourne Marathon (2013) | The Coffee Club 10k #40772 3674 114 1507 00:58:50