13th October 2013 | Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Melbourne Marathon (2013)

GUN TIME:  03:35:31
1534  OF 6861
1346  OF 4846
255  OF 840

Run 03:32:43 42.2km

Location Split Race Time Pos Male 40-44 Speed/Pace TOD
10k 00:51:11 00:51:11 2711 2297 428 11.71 / 05:07 18:25:24
13k 00:19:26 01:10:39 2502 2153 409 11.03 / 05:26 07:31:32
20k 00:29:58 01:40:38 2341 2032 382 11.92 / 05:01 08:08:11
30k 00:49:51 02:30:31 1977 1735 318 11.95 / 05:01 12:58:03
40k 00:51:19 03:21:51 1576 1384 266 11.88 / 05:02 21:16:04
42k 00:10:51 03:32:43 1534 1346 255 11.9 / 05:02 14:06:56

JUSTIN PHILPOTT's Past Melbourne Marathon Results

Race | Event Bib Pos Div Gen Time
St George Melbourne Marathon (2010) | Coffee Club 10km #23596 418 207 340 00:47:24
Melbourne Marathon (2011) | Flight Centre Half Marathon #13288 1369 724 1067 01:45:27
Melbourne Marathon (2012) | Flight Centre Half Marathon #11805 924 113 737 01:40:39
Melbourne Marathon (2013) | medibank Melbourne Marathon #4306 1534 255 1346 03:35:31
Melbourne Marathon (2014) | medibank Melbourne Marathon #3506 840 157 763 03:25:10
Melbourne Marathon (2015) | THE MEDIBANK MELBOURNE MARATHON #1254 774 151 697 03:25:09
Melbourne Marathon (2016) | THE MEDIBANK MELBOURNE MARATHON #5173 713 140 632 03:25:44
Melbourne Marathon (2017) | MEDIBANK MELBOURNE MARATHON #3857 1078 136 959 03:30:12
Medibank Melbourne Marathon Festival (2018) | MEDIBANK MELBOURNE MARATHON #7404 928 101 835 03:35:04
Melbourne Marathon (2019) | MELBOURNE MARATHON #834 1201 125 1097 03:29:43
Nike Melbourne Marathon Festival (2021) | Nike Marathon #2175 1332 106 1216 03:35:25
Melbourne Marathon (2023) | Nike Marathon #7963 1792 92 1618 03:30:28
Nike Melbourne Marathon Festival (2024) | Nike Marathon #7603 2604 125 2281 03:40:37