12th October 2014 | Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Melbourne Marathon (2014)

Kerri WHITNEY (#32211)
GUN TIME:  01:57:36
3458  OF 9964
1096  OF 5238
718  OF 3292

Run 01:57:23 21.1km

Location Split Race Time Pos Female 20-39 Speed/Pace TOD
10k 00:51:02 00:51:14 1892 455 294 11.75 / 05:06 19:54:45
21k 01:06:20 01:57:35 3458 1096 718 10.78 / 05:33 09:07:46

Kerri WHITNEY's Past Melbourne Marathon Results

Race | Event Bib Pos Div Gen Time
St George Melbourne Marathon (2009) | St.George Marathon #2748 2929 108 617 04:24:35
Melbourne Marathon (2011) | Flight Centre Half Marathon #8383 1049 171 218 01:42:33
Melbourne Marathon (2012) | Flight Centre Half Marathon #16305 1011 144 209 01:41:44
Melbourne Marathon (2013) | medibank Melbourne Marathon #4445 3496 451 707 04:02:15
Samsung Melbourne Marathon (2008) | Active Feet 5.5K #29536 403 136 136 00:35:46
Melbourne Marathon (2014) | Flight Centre Half Marathon #32211 3458 718 1096 01:57:36