13th July 2014 | Sydney, NSW, Australia

Real Insurance Sydney Harbour 10k & 5k (2014)

Christine CASSIDY (#221)
GUN TIME:  00:47:57
773  OF 3376
166  OF 1866
30-39 years
70  OF 753
NET TIME:   00:47:18
823  OF 3376
178  OF 1866
30-39 years
76  OF 753

Run 00:47:56 10.0km

Location Split Race Time Pos Female 30-39 years Speed/Pace
10k 00:47:17 00:47:56 773 166 70 12.51 / 04:47

Christine CASSIDY's Past Real Insurance Sydney Harbour 10k & 5k Results

Race | Event Bib Pos Div Gen Time
Real Insurance Sydney Harbour 10k & 5k (2014) | Real Insurance 10km #221 773 70 166 00:47:57
Real Insurance Sydney Harbour 10k & 5k (2016) | Real Insurance 10km #172 766 72 163 00:48:56
Real Insurance Sydney Harbour (2018) | Real Insurance Sydney Harbour 10k #114 806 61 161 00:48:58