12th January 2019 | Lorne, VIC, Australia

Pier to Pub (2019)

Warrick GRIME (#1814)
GUN TIME:  00:21:40
2572  OF 4774
1871  OF 3074
345  OF 629

Warrick GRIME's Past Pier to Pub Results

Race | Event Bib Pos Div Gen Time
Pier to Pub (2018) | 1.2k #4156 2616 323 1836 00:22:18
Pier to Pub (2019) | 1.2k #1814 2572 345 1871 00:21:40
Pier to Pub (2020) | 1.2k #2268 2651 344 1908 00:21:42
Powercor Lorne Pier to Pub Virtual (2020) | P2P #1172 1567 279 987 00:25:24
Pier 2 Pub (2022) | P2P VR #1974 1576 278 1034 00:25:13
Pier to Pub (2023) | 1.2k #1434 2584 348 1778 00:22:29
Pier to Pub (2024) | 1.2k #1808 2996 391 2055 00:23:25