9th January 2016 | Lorne, VIC, Australia

Pier to Pub (2016)

Sam BAKER (#1563)
GUN TIME:  00:20:26
2701  OF 4291
1987  OF 2886
412  OF 561

Sam BAKER's Past Pier to Pub Results

Race | Event Bib Pos Div Gen Time
Pier to Pub (2010) | 1.2k #1204 837 191 678 00:16:10
Pier to Pub (2011) | 1.2k #1251 1364 238 1078 00:20:37
Pier to Pub (2012) | 1.2k #1433 1564 211 1179 00:20:50
Pier to Pub (2013) | 1.2k #1536 1596 259 1209 00:21:46
Pier to Pub (2014) | 1.2k #1755 2248 369 1735 00:17:52
Pier to Pub (2015) | 1.2k #1335 2397 442 1791 00:21:18
Pier to Pub (2016) | 1.2k #1563 2701 412 1987 00:20:26