11th January 2025 | Lorne, VIC, Australia

Pier to Pub (2025)

Emma ULRICK (#4922)
 OF 4921
 OF 1878
 OF 314

Emma ULRICK's Past Pier to Pub Results

Race | Event Bib Pos Div Gen Time
Pier to Pub (2015) | 1.2k #1232 3376 294 1004 00:24:04
Pier to Pub (2017) | 1.2k #1594 3929 282 1219 00:23:47
Pier to Pub (2018) | 1.2k #1381 1654 234 470 00:20:09
Pier to Pub (2019) | 1.2k #4735 2516 204 680 00:21:33
Pier to Pub (2020) | 1.2k #5039 2116 202 573 00:20:38
Powercor Lorne Pier to Pub Virtual (2020) | P2P #3024 396 27 113 00:18:30
Pier 2 Pub (2022) | P2P VR #4305 1141 79 358 00:22:47
Pier to Pub (2023) | P2PVR #30147 28 2 12 00:21:43