13th October 2019 | Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Melbourne Marathon (2019)

Fastest To The Podium
 OF 145
Social - Mixed
 OF 112

Fastest To The Podium's Members

Pos Name Net Time Overall Pos Category (Pos) Gender (Pos) Net Pos Net Category Pos Net Gen Pos Run
1 Jack Huynh (#42343) 00:47:26 502 35-39 (44) Male  (397) 669 59 543
2 Ajay Kulkarni (#42779) 01:05:00 3488 35-39 (232) Male  (2003) 4873 305 2584
3 Sachin Verma (#42780) 01:20:13 7511 35-39 (413) Male  (3313) 7341 403 3287