27th November 2022 | Coogee, NSW, Australia

Coogee Island Challenge (2022)

seas the limit blue
TEAM TIME:  01:03:32
 OF 6
1  OF 6

seas the limit blue's Members

Pos Name Gun Time Overall Pos Category (Pos) Gender (Pos)
1 Louis COLEMAN (#1210) 00:13:54 6 10-13 (5) Male  (5)
2 Dylan DUQUE-LLORENTE (#1215) 00:16:19 22 10-13 (17) Male  (17)
3 Luke MELVILLE (#1234) 00:16:36 28 10-13 (21) Male  (21)
4 Max LEE (#1228) 00:16:42 29 10-13 (22) Male  (22)