17th October 2021 - 24th October 2021 | Sydney, NSW, Australia

City2Surf (2021)

Gussys Galumpers
TEAM TIME:  04:04:55
67  OF 238
7  OF 62

Gussys Galumpers's Members

Pos Name Gun Time Overall Pos Category (Pos) Gender (Pos)
1 Guy Zimmerman (#9493) 01:10:32 452 30-39 (117) Male  (381)
2 Guy Manning (#6227) 01:26:37 1657 30-39 (333) Male  (1153)
3 Isobel Zimmerman (#9111) 01:27:45 1764 30-39 (167) Female  (551)
4 Lyrene Zimmerman (#9120) 01:28:07 1808 50-59 (75) Female  (567)
5 Di Manning (#6231) 01:58:59 3600 60-69 (88) Female  (1526)