19th October 2023 - 22nd October 2023 | Western Australia, Australia

Cape to Cape (2023)

Team GerItes (#423)
TEAM TIME:  03:16:32.3
64  OF 105
Masters Men
23  OF 26

Run 03:16:03.3

Location Split Race Time Pos Div Speed/Pace TOD
Start 00:00:32.5 00:00:32.5 97 25 - / - 08:20:31
CP1 01:58:11.9 01:58:40.9 70 24 - / - 10:18:40
Finish 01:17:51.4 03:16:32.3 57 20 - / - 11:36:31

Team GerItes's Members

Pos Name Gun Time Overall Pos Category (Pos) Gender (Pos)
1 Andreas HAVLIZA (#4231) 03:16:30.3 133 Masters (47) Male  (118)
2 Rob BONDONNO (#4232) 03:16:32.3 134 Masters (48) Male  (119)