19th October 2023 - 22nd October 2023 | Western Australia, Australia

Cape to Cape (2023)

Froth Bunbrewery (#602)
TEAM TIME:  03:51:27.0
112  OF 113
Great Grand Masters Men
5  OF 5

Run 03:51:27.0

Location Split Race Time Pos Div Speed/Pace TOD
Start 00:00:00.0 00:00:00.0 1 1 - / - 09:04:50
CP1 02:08:58.3 02:08:58.3 115 5 - / - 11:13:49
Finish 01:42:28.7 03:51:27.0 113 5 - / - 12:56:17

Froth Bunbrewery's Members

Pos Name Gun Time Overall Pos Category (Pos) Gender (Pos)
1 Sam Morton (#6022) 03:51:26.0 225 GG Masters (9) Male  (185)
2 Bill James (#6021) 03:51:27.0 226 GG Masters (10) Male  (186)