16th May 2015 | Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Spartan Race Brisbane (2015)

Sprint Teams: Sprint Teans

Pos Team Name Team Time Overall Pos
Multi Peak Sprinters 00:00:00
300 00:00:00
Red Mist 00:00:00
GR8 00:00:00
Robinsons 00:00:00
300/100 00:00:00
oOh! Media 00:00:00
crossfit contessa 00:00:00
Old Boys 00:00:00
Ab-Salute 00:00:00
Spartattack 00:00:00
Hakuna Matata 00:00:00
Team Yolo 00:00:00
Atomic Trojans 00:00:00
Team Leonidas 00:00:00
Chasing the Chinaman 00:00:00
BKC 00:00:00
Creative Strength 00:00:00
Team Vigour 00:00:00
TSPARTANS2 00:00:00
TDC co 00:00:00
MunRuns 00:00:00
Team Tan 00:00:00
The Great Pretenders 00:00:00
The Frisky Lemons 00:00:00
Default 00:00:00
The Bar-Barians 00:00:00
pigs'n'mud 00:00:00
TARO LEGS 00:00:00
LEAD personal training 00:00:00
skar 00:00:00
Frawleys Fitness Factory 00:00:00
Spartiates 00:00:00
Filthy mongrels 00:00:00
Foley Fitness 00:00:00
Bexcamp Sprinters 00:00:00
Tartan Spartans 00:00:00
Exercising Women 00:00:00
Velociraptors 00:00:00
VA flyers 00:00:00
CN Constructions 00:00:00
Hungry and Wild 00:00:00
What were we thinking! Round 2 00:00:00
Fat and fluid 00:00:00
10% Brain 90% Braun 00:00:00
BCA Spartans 00:00:00
Dirtie Muddaflukkers 00:00:00
Triple zero 00:00:00
Dragon Chasers Z 00:00:00
Warriors 00:00:00