15th October 2017 | Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Melbourne Marathon (2017)

Out There Fun and Fitness
TEAM TIME:  10:21:13
58  OF 87
Social - Mixed

Out There Fun and Fitness's Members

Pos Name Gun Time Net Time Representing Overall Pos Category (Pos) Gender (Pos) Net Pos Net Category Pos Net Gen Pos Run
1 Julie Espinosa (#30962) 01:53:05 01:48:56 2373 55-59 (9) Female  (550) 2098 8 452
2 Natalie Bahls (#30679) 01:58:58 01:54:48 3390 25-29 (165) Female  (954) 3049 141 799
3 KRIS BAHLS (#30676) 01:58:58 01:54:48 3391 25-29 (409) Male  (2437) 3045 388 2247
4 Renata Holloway (#30520) 01:58:58 01:54:49 3394 35-39 (172) Female  (955) 3054 145 803
5 Colleen Eringa (#30524) 02:31:12 02:27:01 7807 50-54 (187) Female  (3455) 7800 186 3456
6 Lisa Watkins (#30521) 02:35:43 02:31:32 8119 50-54 (205) Female  (3678) 8129 202 3680
8 Sophie Piper (#30523) 02:35:43 02:31:32 8120 40-44 (530) Female  (3679) 8128 529 3679
7 Dolly Moule (#30522) 02:35:43 02:31:32 8121 45-49 (419) Female  (3680) 8127 418 3678